Asked by: Asad Piza
medical health skin and dermatology

What tissue system contains the most photosynthesizing cells?

What tissue system contains the most photosynthesising cells? Ground tissue because it's the "inside" tissue of plants.

Accordingly, what are the 3 main tissue systems in plants?

The tissues of a plant are organized into three tissue systems: the dermal tissue system, the ground tissue system, and the vascular tissue system.

Secondly, which plant tissue has the most important function? Ground tissue makes up most of the interior of a plant. It carries out basic metabolic functions and stores food and water. Vascular tissue runs through the ground tissue inside a plant. It consists of bundles of xylem and phloem, which transport fluids throughout the plant.

Consequently, what tissue are guard cells found in?

As mentioned, guard cells are bean/kidney-shaped cells located on plant epidermis. As such, they, like trichomes and pavement cells, are also epidermal cells. Between each pair of guard cells is a stoma (a pore) through which water and gases are exchanged.

What plant tissues cover the stem and leaves?

Each plant organ (roots, stems, leaves) contains all three tissue types: Dermal tissue covers and protects the plant, and controls gas exchange and water absorption (in roots). Dermal tissue of the stems and leaves is covered by a waxy cuticle that prevents evaporative water loss.

Related Question Answers

Soria Arnott


What is a tissue system?

In biology, tissue is a cellular organisational level between cells and a complete organ. A tissue is an ensemble of similar cells and their extracellular matrix from the same origin that together carry out a specific function. Organs are then formed by the functional grouping together of multiple tissues.

Gizella Ussel


Where is a meristem often found?

Meristems are classified by their location in the plant as apical (located at root and shoot tips), lateral (in the vascular and cork cambia), and intercalary (at internodes, or stem regions between the places at which leaves attach, and leaf bases, especially of certain monocotyledons—e.g., grasses).

Ilda Ogilvie


What is ground tissue system?

The ground tissue of plants includes all tissues that are neither dermal nor vascular. It can be divided into three types based on the nature of the cell walls. Parenchyma cells have thin primary walls and usually remain alive after they become mature. Sclerenchyma provides the main structural support to a plant.

Jamie Pfaffner


Where is dermal tissue located in a plant?

Dermal tissue is found covering the younger primary parts of a plant. These include leaves, roots, stems, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Plant parts that become woody no longer have dermal tissue as their outer layer because it is replaced by periderm, or cork.

Juliane Danaila


Where is Collenchyma found?

Collenchyma cells are elongated cells with irregularly thick cell walls that provide support and structure. Their thick cell walls are composed of the compounds cellulose and pectin. These cells are often found under the epidermis, or the outer layer of cells in young stems and in leaf veins.

Guoquan Arqueros


What is permanent tissue?

Definition of permanent tissue. : plant tissue that has completed its growth and differentiation and is usually incapable of meristematic activity.

Anouar Largarate


What are meristematic and permanent tissue?

Meristematic tissues are responsible for the primary and secondary growth of the plants whereas permanent tissue is responsible for various growths. • Meristematic tissue has dense cytoplasm with prominent nucleus whereas permanent tissue has thin cytoplasm with normal nucleus.

Friedrich Curvelo


Why Sclerenchyma cells are dead?

Mature sclerenchyma cells are usually dead cells that have heavily thickened secondary walls containing lignin. They characteristically contain very thick, hard secondary walls lined with lignin; consequently, sclerenchyma provides additional support and strength to the plant body.

Ferran Reuswich


Are xylem cells dead?

Xylem vessels are a long straight chain made of tough long dead cells known as vessel elements. The vessel have no cytoplasm. They are not living, but are made by living cells. The cells are arranged end to end and the cell walls have disappeared.

Alioune Inderhees


What are the two types of Sclerenchyma?

Sclerenchyma is one of the three types of ground, or fundamental, tissue in plants; the other two types are parenchyma (living thin-walled tissue) and collenchyma (living support tissue with irregular walls). Sclerenchyma cells occur in many different shapes and sizes, but two main types occur: fibres and sclereids.

Corsino Escoriaza


What are the two types of xylem cells?

Xylem carries water and minerals, whereas phloem, the other type of vascular tissue, mostly carries sugar/sap. The two types of cells in xylem tissue are tracheids and vessel elements/members. Both vessel elements/members(either name is common and acceptable) and tracheids are dead at functional maturity.

Lifeng Irazoqui


What are meristem cells?

A meristem is a tissue in plants that consists of undifferentiated cells (meristematic cells) capable of cell division. Meristems give rise to various tissues and organs of a plant and are responsible for growth. Differentiated plant cells generally cannot divide or produce cells of a different type.

Collado Heller


Where are guard cells found?

Guard cells are located in the leaf epidermis and pairs of guard cells surround and form stomatal pores, which regulate CO2 influx from the atmosphere into the leaves for photosynthetic carbon fixation. Stomatal guard cells also regulate water loss of plants via transpiration to the atmosphere.

Yudith Notari


Noureddin Landabat


What is cambium cells?

Cambium, plural Cambiums, orCambia, in plants, layer of actively dividing cells between xylem (wood) and phloem (bast) tissues that is responsible for the secondary growth of stems and roots (secondary growth occurs after the first season and results in increase in thickness).

Silvica Baleriola


What cells make up vascular tissue?

Vascular tissue is a complex conducting tissue, formed of more than one cell type, found in vascular plants. The primary components of vascular tissue are the xylem and phloem. These two tissues transport fluid and nutrients internally.

Guanjun Coronha


Are Collenchyma cells living or dead?

The collenchyma, a tissue of living cells, the sclerenchyma, a tissue of nearly always dead cells, and. the vascular tissue consisting of both living and dead cells. It is responsible for the transport and dispersal of water, nutriments and assimilates.

Jessie Entero


What is lignin What is its function?

Biological function
Lignin fills the spaces in the cell wall between cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin components, especially in vascular and support tissues: xylem tracheids, vessel elements and sclereid cells. The crosslinking of polysaccharides by lignin is an obstacle for water absorption to the cell wall.

Kimberlie Zorita


Where is lignin found?

Lignin is found in the cells, cell walls, and between the cells of all vascular plants.