Asked by: Henrik Groothusen
sports sailing

What type of climate is usually associated with the subtropical high pressure cells?

The descending air under subtropical highs warms and dries as it descends, resulting in generally sunny skies and dry weather. Cold air from the poles flows toward lower latitudes in order to complete the redistribution of the heat imbalance in the atmosphere.

Similarly, where is the subtropical high pressure zone?

Subtropical high. Subtropical high, one of several regions of semipermanent high atmospheric pressure located over the oceans between 20° and 40° of latitude in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the Earth.

Secondly, how are subtropical high pressure zones created? At the equator, the ground is intensely heated by the sun. This causes the air to rise which creates a low-pressure zone on the Earth's surface. When it reaches about 30° north and south, the air cools and sinks towards the ground forming the subtropical high-pressure zone.

Likewise, how do subtropical high pressure cells influence weather and climate of South Africa?

Develop during summer and winter in SA. These low pressure sytems cause complete different weather on either side of the pressure cell. The air moves in a clockwise direction around the cell. On the one side of the pressure cell, air will move from the land to the sea and will cause warmer drier conditions.

What is another name for the subtropical highs?

noun Meteorology. one of several highs, as the Azores and Pacific highs, that prevail over the oceans at latitudes of about 30 degrees N and S. Also called subtropical anticyclone.

Related Question Answers

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Why is subtropical high?

The warm air at the low latitudes rises and moves toward the poles. The rising air, and the subsequent clouds and precipitation, cause the tropics to be very wet. As the air moves towards the subtropics, it descends over the oceans and creates semi-permanent circulation features called subtropical highs.

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Is the equator high or low pressure?

At the equator, the warm surface causes low pressure and rising air. At the poles, cold air produces high pressure and sinking air.

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Warm air being light, the air at the Equator rises, creating a low pressure. In the Subpolar region around latitudes 60° to 65° North and South of the Equator, the rotation of the earth pushes up the bulk of the air towards the Equator, creating a low pressure belt in this region.

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This heating causes the air to warm and rise straight up rather than blow horizontally. The result is little or no wind, sometimes for weeks on end. It can go from 1 to 100 in seconds.

Nico Longworth


What is the high pressure belt?

Near the equator the sea level pressure is low and the area is known as equatorial low. Along 30° N and 30° S are found the high-pressure areas known as the subtropical highs. Near the poles the pressure is high and it is known as the polar high. These pressure belts are not permanent in nature.

Qasir Menuhin


What do you mean by subtropical high pressure belt?

Horse latitudes, subtropical ridges or subtropical highs are the subtropical latitudes between 30 and 35 degrees both north and south where Earth's atmosphere is dominated by the subtropical high, an area of high pressure, which suppresses precipitation and cloud formation, and has variable winds mixed with calm winds.

Zaineb Beldy


Why do the Poles experience permanent high pressure?

The cold temperatures in the polar regions cause air to descend to create the high pressure (a process called subsidence), just as the warm temperatures around the equator cause air to rise to create the low pressure intertropical convergence zone.

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Heat must flow naturally from the hotter equator to the colder poles, and convection is a major means by which this occurs in the atmosphere. Continually heated and rising air forms large low pressure areas near the surface. This happens at the poles, where the temperatures are coldest on earth's surface.

Abdeloihid Hernan Gomez


What are the main factors that determine climate?

The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important. Some areas have a much larger range between highest and lowest temperature than other areas.

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What are the 5 factors that influence temperature and rainfall in South Africa?

The temperature in an area is influenced by factors such as height above sea level, the proximity of the ocean and the position from the equator.
  • Altitude and Temperature. ©Peter Delaney.
  • Ocean Currents and Temperature.
  • Slope and Temperature.
  • Temperature and Cloud Cover.
  • Temperature and Wind.

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Which is the hottest place in South Africa?

Letaba in Limpopo
These average min and max temperatures combined makes it the hottest place in SA. Although Letaba is recognized by the South African Weather Service as the official average hottest spot is SA, Upington takes the crown from hell with a whopping 36ºC maximum temperature average.

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What are the 4 major climate zones of Africa?

Many Climates
Africa South of the Sahara has four major climate regions. They are desert, semiarid, tropical, and equatorial.

Pepe Redantz


Where is the coldest place in Africa?

AFRICA- Lesotho located in Southern Africa is the coldest country in Africa, it covers 30,355 sq km (11,720 sq mi). It is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above 1,000 metres (3,281 ft) in elevation. Its lowest point of 1,400 metres (4,593 ft) is therefore the highest in the world.

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Is South Africa becoming a desert?

South Africa is largely a dry country, with most of its western regions being semi-desert. The rainfall increases in the east, (the Highveld, KwaZulu-Natal, and the Eastern Midlands), and falls primarily in summer.

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What is coastal low pressure?

A coastal low is a shallow low pressure system limited to the lower layers of the atmosphere and is formed when the wind blows from the land TO the sea, usually during bergwinds. These coastal low pressure systems usually form off the Namibian or West Coast of SA.

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South Africa was in an existing state of drought even before the 2015 El Niño started to have its impact. This was due to the previous two rainfall seasons being associated with below-normal rainfall over much of the country. There was a weak El Niño in 2014.

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Is South Africa a hot or cold country?

South Africa's climatic conditions generally range from Mediterranean in the southwestern corner of South Africa to temperate in the interior plateau, and subtropical in the northeast. A small area in the northwest has a desert climate. Most of the country has warm, sunny days and cool nights.

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Why is there low pressure at the equator?

Areas where the air is warmed often have lower pressure because the warm air rises. These areas are called low pressure systems. Because of Earth's spin and the Coriolis Effect, winds of a low pressure system swirl counterclockwise north of the equator and clockwise south of the equator.

Pepe Lutje


Does air rise at the equator?

This pattern, called atmospheric circulation, is caused because the Sun heats the Earth more at the equator than at the poles. It's also affected by the spin of the Earth. In the tropics, near the equator, warm air rises. When the air cools, it drops back to the ground, flows back towards the Equator, and warm again.