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Similarly, it is asked, is every a pronoun or adjective?
All can be used in the following ways: asadeterminer (followed by an uncountable or plural noun): Theyhadgiven up all hope.All children a predeterminer (followed by a word such as 'the','this', or'his'): I want to hear all the details.We lostallour money.
Moreover, is the word still an adverb?
We use still as an adverb to emphasisethatsomething is continuing: … We use still asanadjective to say that something is notmoving:…
An adverb is a word that modifies (describes)averb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall),anotheradverb (ended too quickly), or even a wholesentence(Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbsoften endin -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same astheiradjective counterparts.