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noun. 1A complicated irregular network of passagesorpaths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.'Theoriginal center piece has been removed and other areas ofthelabyrinth have been restored.'
Consequently, what part of speech is the word labyrinth?
part of speech: | noun |
definition 2: | anything like a maze in its intricacy or complexity.synonyms:maze similar words: complexity, convolution, enigma,Gordian knot,intricacy, meander, riddle, snarl, tangle, web |
definition 3: | the internal ear or its structures. similar words:middleear |
Subsequently, one may also ask, what does the word labyrinth?
A labyrinth is a structure with manyconnectedpaths or passages in which it is hard to find your way. InGreekmythology, the Labyrinth was the structure built forKingMinos of Crete to confine the Minotaur, a monster with the headofa bull and the body of a man.
labyrinth Sentence Examples
- Lana suspected the labyrinth of tunnels and chambers ranbeneaththe entire town.
- south, there is a very curious labyrinth of redmarblerocks.
- The older portion of the town is still surrounded, on thenorthand east, by its ancient, though dilapidated medieval walls,and isa labyrinth of steep and dirty streets.