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Keeping this in consideration, what was the first successful light bulb filament used by Edison made of?
The first successful test of the carbonizedcotton filament was on October 22, 1879, which lasted 13.5hours. Edison continued to improve this design and byNovember 4, 1879, filed for a U.S. patent for an electriclamp using "a carbon filament or strip coiledand connected to platina contact wires."
Regarding this, what was Edison's light bulb made of?
Edison's light bulb used a carbonizedpiece of bamboo as a filament, whereas most of his peer'smodels used a piece of metal wire, and innovation which gavehis bulbs a life expectancy of over one thousand hours.However, a filament and electrical current alone are notsufficient to make a light bulb.
The first practical incandescent lightbulb In November 1879, Edison filed a patent for an electriclamp with a carbon filament. The patent listed several materialsthat might be used for the filament, including cotton, linen andwood.