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Simply so, what did Protagoras do?
Protagoras is best known for his claim that, "Ofall things the measure is Man, of the things that are, that theyare, and of the things that are not, that they are not" or, inother words, that everything is relative to individual experience,judgement, and interpretation.
Consequently, what were the Sophists known for?
A sophist (Greek:σοφιστής, sophistes)was a specific kind of teacher in ancient Greece, in the fifth andfourth centuries BCE. Many sophists specialized in using thetools of philosophy and rhetoric, though other sophiststaught subjects such as music, athletics, andmathematics.
B.C.E.) Protagoras of Abdera was one ofseveral fifth century Greek thinkers (including also Gorgias,Hippias, and Prodicus) collectively known as the Older Sophists, agroup of traveling teachers or intellectuals who were experts inrhetoric (the science of oratory) and relatedsubjects.