Asked by: Hussain Sarmiento
religion and spirituality christianity

What was the impact of the Concordat of Worms Brainly?

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It was meant to bring stability after the reformscausedby the church. This agreement brought to an end the periodofstruggle of the power.It is called Concordat of wormsbecauseit was made near the city of worms by Pope calixtusII andthe Roman Emperor Henry V.

Furthermore, what was the impact of the Concordat of Worms?

Concordat of Worms, 1122, agreement reachedbyPope Calixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V to put an endtothe struggle over investiture. By its terms the emperorguaranteedfree election of bishops and abbots and renounced theright toinvest them with ring and staff, the symbols of theirspiritualduties.

Likewise, what is the significance of investiture controversy? The Investiture Controversy, also known as thelayinvestiture controversy, was the mostimportantconflict between secular and religious powers inmedievalEurope. It began as a dispute in the 11th centurybetweenthe Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV and Pope GregoryVII.

In this manner, what does Concordat of Worms mean?

Concordat of Worms, compromise arranged in1122between Pope Calixtus II (1119–24) and the Holy RomanemperorHenry V (reigned 1106–25) settling theInvestitureControversy, a struggle between the empire and thepapacy over thecontrol of church offices.

When did the investiture controversy end?

After fifty years of fighting, the Concordat ofWormsprovided a lasting compromise when it was signedonSeptember 23, 1122. It eliminated lay investiturewhileleaving secular leaders some room for unofficial butsignificantinfluence in the appointment process.

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