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Similarly, what were the punishments in the 1800s?
Penalties were meant to punish the criminal, andalso act as a deterrent to others. Some popular penalties in the1800s include flogging, hanging, and beheading. Crimes suchas street robbery, murder, petty thievery, prostitution, rape,being drunk and disorderly, and poaching took place in the1800s.
Herein, how were prisoners treated in Victorian times?
They tended to be damp, unhealthy, insanitary andover-crowded. All kinds of prisoners were mixed in together,as at Coldbath Fields: men, women, children; the insane; seriouscriminals and petty criminals; people awaiting trial; and debtors.Each prison was run by the gaoler in his own way. He made upthe rules.
The total number of cases reported is 4780, withbreaching the peace, drunkenness and assault being the mostcommon crimes, and labourers being the most commonoffenders of these crimes. One murder case was reported, theoffender being a mill worker, and 123 prostitutes werearrested for 'Loitering and Importuning'.