Asked by: Mussa Cesteros
hobbies and interests woodworking

What wood stain looks like cherry?

Alder, poplar and soft maple are the first choices when staining a hardwood plywood with a cherry stain. Other hardwood plywoods, such as beech, birch and oak have a different wood grain and won't look like cherry, even if the color match is perfect.

Consequently, can you stain pine to look like cherry?

Some types of wood, like pine, cherry, birch and maple, are notoriously difficult to stain. A board that has a nice, attractive grain pattern can end up with dark, splotchy areas after you apply the stain. But the best test is to apply stain to a sample of the wood you're using.

Similarly, what color is close to cherry wood? Cherry Wood
Color Light pink to rich reddish brown
Source American Black Cherry Tree (Prunus Serotina)
Hardness 995 on the Janka scale
Cost $3 to $10 per board feet
Common Uses Furniture, cabinets, flooring, kitchen accessories

Accordingly, what is the best stain for cherry wood?

At first, linseed and tung oil finishes give cherry a deeper, richer appearance than film-forming finishes like shellac, lacquer and polyurethane. But after a year or so, they'll all look pretty much the same. If you want to give cherry a dark color right away, don't use oil stain.

Does cherry wood stain well?

Cherry is a favored wood among furniture builders for its deep richness and for the color that only seems to improve with age. It sands to a very smooth finish relatively easily and takes stain to adjust the color quite well. Well-cured cherry can be as strong as maple and easier to work with than oak.

Related Question Answers

Prima Greulich


Does pine stain well?

Pine is hard to stain for a couple of reasons. First, its grain is unevenly dense. Typical wood stains cause grain reversal because they color only the porous earlywood; they can't penetrate the dense latewood. In a nutshell, the conditioner partially seals the wood's surface to control blotching.

Gentzane Hespel


How do you fix uneven stain?

If the surface is very blotchy, you'll have to remove the stain by stripping, sanding, or both, and start over. This time, apply a washcoat of shellac and then the stain. If the blotching isn't too severe, try using a glaze to soften the contrast between the deeply colored and lighter areas.

Job Storm


How do you seal wood without changing color?

A water-based polyurethane finish will work great for sealing wood without altering the color. An acrylic lacquer is also a good option. All in all, it's mostly a matter of personal preferences. But whichever of these products you choose, you want to look for a white-water one.

Yunyan Samrat


Can poplar wood be stained?

Poplar also looks great stained. In fact, you can stain it to mimic the look of more much expensive woods. Applying a "stain conditioner" to your wood before staining will help, but it will leave you with a much lighter finish. To get the best-looking finish, go for a gel stain.

Emanoil Oyola


How do you prep wood for staining?

  1. The best way to stain wood is to prepare the wood surface by sanding it with a sanding block or orbital sander.
  2. Start with 120-grit sandpaper on refinished pieces.
  3. When you have removed imperfections and sanded the entire surface, wipe off the dust and loose sandpaper grit.

Tiziano Rentoa


What wood stain is best?

2 Answers
  • Oak: large pores, takes stain very well.
  • Ash: takes stain well.
  • Chestnut: takes stain well.
  • Birch: does not take stain well.
  • Maple: does not take stain well.
  • Cherry: why would you want to stain? Looks great already.
  • Mahogany/dark woods: why would you want to stain?
  • Pine: light stains only.

Yassira Plaggenburg


How do you stain pine to look like red oak?

How to Make Pine Wood the Same Stain Color as Oak
  1. Lay out the pieces of pine and oak.
  2. Sand off the top of the piece of pine with medium-grade sandpaper.
  3. Wipe off the area with a clean rag and remove all the grit left over from the sandpaper.
  4. Open up a can of stain that matches the oak color.
  5. Look over the second coat and check if it matches the color of the oak.

Derrick Sacken


Can cherry wood be stained GREY?

If you add the complement to any color you end up with gray. The trick is finding the true complement to the wood color. For cherry that will be some tone of very thin blue. Make the stain very thin and apply slowly until you get gray.

Pierangelo Ahrika


How do you keep cherry wood from turning dark?

Cherry like most woods darken with time. This is usually caused by 2 things. One is exposure to sunlight and the other is oxydation from exposure to air and moisture. You can cut the exposure to sunlight by using a good marine varnish to reduce UV radiation from penetrating down to the wood surface.

Mona Regenthal


How do you match wood stain?

Using a soft cloth, wipe off the excess at various 1- to 5-minute intervals. Write the absorption time on each scrap; color saturation varies by absorption. Apply additional coats, if the color isn't dark enough. Check for accurate color when the stained wood is completely dry; wet stain is darker than dry stain.

Garcia Hattenkerl


Can you stain wood a lighter color?

There are a number of ways to actually lighten the color of a piece of furniture, but applying a lighter stain over an existing darker color usually does not work. You see all stains are somewhat transparent so the grain of the wood can show through. In fact, a pigmented stain is actually a thinned down paint.

Salley Vyzhletsov


What does raw cherry wood look like?

When freshly planed, the heartwood is light pink and the sapwood is a light cream color. As the wood ages, it darkens and takes on warm orange-reddish brown tones with rich amber undertones. Once the raw wood is exposed, it begins to change color right away and the prominent pink hues are short lived.

Murat Bazulin


Does second coat of stain darken wood?

Apply a second coat of stain after the first has dried fully. This will usually produce a darker coloring, but it adds a step to the process and slows production. Substitute a glaze or gel stain for the liquid stain.

Lisarda Hangg


How do you make cherry wood shine?

How to Make Cherry Wood Furniture Shine
  1. Wipe the entire piece of cherry wood furniture with a dry, lint-free cloth. Remove as much dust as possible.
  2. Moisten another cloth with water.
  3. Wipe the cherry wood using another dry cloth.
  4. Spray the entire furniture piece evenly with aerosol furniture polish.
  5. Buff the entire cherry wood surface with another dry cloth.

Deandra Mozhaiskov


What is the best clear coat for wood?

The most common types are lacquer, shellac, polyurethane, varnish and wax. Generally applied with a brush. Varnishes are very durable but are slow to dry, making them susceptible to dust and dirt. Shellac is a fast-drying natural resin that may need to be thinned before applying.

Lonna Gregore


Is Mahogany darker than cherry?

Cherry leans to purplish-brown tints, with a delicate pattern. Cherry is photo-reactive and darkens substantially in sunlight, even after a few days of exposure. Mahogany will darken naturally over long periods of time, but to a lesser-degree than cherry. The grain of mahogany is coarse.

Faustino Uihlein


Is cherry wood soft or hard?

Solid woods can be classified as hard or soft. A hardwood is derived from a broad-leefed tree (without needles), such as maple, cherry, oak, ash, walnut, or mahogany. Hardwoods usually offer greater strength and stability.

Hisashi Krax


How can you tell if wood is cherry?

It is usually a light brown, but can look slightly red or blonde. Slightly dark lines, or "grain," run through the wood. Decide if it's cherry. If the wood is reddish in appearance but has a darker, browner grain, it is likely cherry.

Amarouch Imparato


What does the color mahogany look like?

Mahogany is a reddish-brown color. It is approximately the color of the wood mahogany. However, the wood itself, like most woods, is not uniformly the same color and is not recognized as a color by most. The first recorded use of mahogany as a color name in English was in 1737.