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terrestrial. Not straying far from its Latinrootterra, meaning "earth," terrestrial means "oftheearth." If it's terrestrial, you'll find it onearth.If it's extraterrestrial, you'll find it emerging fromaUFO.
Also asked, what is terrestrial body mean?
Terrestrial bodies are simply those withsolidsurfaces on which one could stand. The Earth is aniceterrestrial planet. The usual order in which onepresentsthe planets is by their distance from the Sun: Mercury,Venus,Earth, Mars.
Similarly, it is asked, what does terrestrial mean for kids?
Kids Definition ofterrestrial 1 : relating to the earth or its peopleDoesanything like terrestrial life exist on otherplanets? 2 :living or growing on landterrestrialbirds.
The Solar System has four terrestrialplanets:Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Only oneterrestrialplanet, Earth, is known to have anactivehydrosphere.