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Just so, what is another name for a zebra?
Subgenus: Dolichohippus The plains zebra (Equus quagga, formerly Equusburchelli) is the most common, and has or had about six subspeciesdistributed across much of southern and easternAfrica.
Thereof, what is Zebra slang for?
Zebra is the American medical slang forarriving at an exotic medical diagnosis when a more commonplaceexplanation is more likely. By 1960, the aphorism was widely knownin medical circles.
The primary immunodeficiency (PI) community oftenidentifies with zebras. This is based on an old saying. Inmedical school, many doctors learn the saying, “when you hearhoof beats, think horses, not zebras” and aretaught to focus on the likeliest possibilities when making adiagnosis, not the unusual ones.