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LMP: Abbreviation for "last menstrual period." Byconvention, pregnancies are dated in weeks starting from the firstday of a woman's last menstrual period (LMP). If hermenstrual periods are regular and ovulation occurs on day 14 of hercycle, conception takes place about 2 weeks after herLMP.
Likewise, what does LMP mean on social media?
LMP is an acronym used onsocial-media sites like Facebook, Twitter, andInstagram that stands for like my picture, like my post, or like myprofile.
Consequently, what is LMP business?
LMP stands for Locational Marginal Pricing andrepresents the cost to buy and sell power at different locationswithin wholesale electricity markets, usually called IndependentSystem Operators (ISOs). Yesterday you would have bought 100 MWs ofelectricity to be delivered at 12 today on the day-aheadmarket.
Aloha, which means “hello,”“love” and “good-bye,” is usedfrequently by English speakers. Mahalo, luau.