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Sycamore trees are easily transplanted. Prune the roots at least one season (autumn or spring) before transplanting. Measure the thickness of the trunk stem and draw a circle around the stem 10 to 12 inches out for every 1 inch of stem thickness.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how close can a sycamore tree be to a house?
15 feet
Then, how deep are sycamore tree roots?
Root Depth Studies conducted by the Forestry Commission have found that, in most soils, the tree's roots extend no more than 6 feet below the ground – and often no more than 3 to 4 feet. Sycamores often have aggressive surface roots that can crack sidewalks or interfere with mowing.
Purchase trees from local nurseries and plant in spring to early fall in a full to part sun on well-drained, humus-rich, consistently moist soils. Space trees 50 or more feet apart. Keep young trees well watered. Older trees are drought tolerant.