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Asked by: Viera Ridao
medical health eye and vision conditionsWhen driving What is the primary role of peripheral vision?
In this manner, what is the purpose of peripheral vision?
Peripheral vision is the work of the rods,nervecells located largely outside the macula (the center) oftheretina. The rods are also responsible for night visionandlow-light vision but are insensitive to color. As opposedtocentral vision.
Simply so, what is peripheral vision in driving?
Peripheral Vision. Peripheralvisionaccompanies central vision. Peripheralvision is notas sharp as central vision, but is moresensitive to lightand motion and helps us detect events to theside, even when we'renot looking in that direction.
Vision within the fovea is generallycalledcentral vision, while vision outside of thefovea, oreven outside the foveola, is called peripheral, orindirectvision. The dividing line between near and midperipheralvision at 30° radius is based on severalfeatures ofvisual performance.