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If you're a regular, recreational player thatplaystennis from one to four hours a week, then youshouldchange your overgreep on weekly basis. Even if youdon't playas much in a given week, you should stillchange yourovergrip. As soon as you wrap a newovergrip on yourracquet, it starts loosing itsproperties.
Regarding this, what is the best tennis replacement grip?
- Wilson Micro Dry Comfort Grip. A soft grip to keep yourhandsfrom cramping up during the game.
- Gamma Hi-Tech Replacement Grips. Shock absorbent gripsforfast-paced games.
- Head Hydrosorb Comfort. Designed for totalmoistureabsorption.
- Tourna Overgrips.
- Babolat Pro Tour Grip.
- Remove old overgrip tape.
- Unroll new overgrip and remove plastic.
- Find the adhesive on one end of the overgrip.
- Begin wrapping.
- Make one full wrap and begin to overlap.
- Work your way up the handle.
- Finish wrapping at the end of the handle.
- Place tape on the end to secure the overgrip in place.
Keeping this in view, how long does Tourna Grip last?
This grip only last about a week and ahalffor me since I play 6 days a week. Comments: TournaGrip isthe best grip out there for what it was meant todo,absorb sweat, and give a solid grip ontheracquet.
Tennis overgrip is a tape-like wrapping madeofcloth that is applied to the grip of a racquet toprovideextra stickiness, softness, cushioning, and sweat absorptionforplayers. Overgrip also increases the circumference ofyourhandle and colorfully personalizes your racquet with yourownunique style.