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Besides, how long before you can tap a sugar maple?
Q: How old does a maple tree have to bebefore it can be tapped? A: About 40 yearsold. We have a few maples that are more than 200years old! Q: How much sugar is actually in maplesap?
Additionally, how big should a maple tree be before you tap it?
A maple tree should be at least 12 inches indiameter before tapping it. Larger trees can supportmultiple taps. For example, trees 21-27 inchesin diameter can support 2 taps and trees greater than27 inches in diameter can support 3 taps.
Maple syrup comes from the sap of mapletrees. In the early spring, if you cut the bark of (ordrill a hole into) certain species of maple trees, clear sapwill leak from the cut. If you boil this watery sapto drive off the water, you eventually get maplesyrup.