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Keeping this in consideration, what does it mean to dream about a woman's private part?
Dreaming of female private parts could besymbolic of natural creative power or female fertility. Todream of covering your private parts indicates thatyou are striving for something which can needs togive you more meaning in life, a sense of joy and well-beingand completeness.
Similarly, it is asked, what does it mean to dream about a beautiful woman?
Beauty in a dream often reflects thebeauty that surrounds your own life. A beautifulwoman or child signifies that business pleasure and profit ison its way. To dream of a beautiful woman is a signthat will be successful in business, but also personally andsocially.
The obvious meaning of dreams featuringbreasts is the desire for intimacy but also nurture. Thebreast as a symbol indicates the “need to nurture ordesire.” To encounter problems with your breasts in adream can mean that you are reacting to change inlife.