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Asked by: Gudula Siemann
family and relationships internet safetyWhen you unblock someone on Facebook do you get their messages?
Considering this, do you get messages after unblocking on Facebook?
No, if you unblock a contact, you stillwon't get the messages he/she sent you whenthey were blocked. These messages are simply lost anddiscarded. However, once you unblock them, if they send anynew message (post unblock), it will bedelivered to you.
Herein, can you get messages after you unblock someone?
Text messages (SMS, MMS, iMessage) from blockedcontacts (numbers or email addresses) do not appear anywhereon your device. Unblocking the contact does NOT showany messages sent to you when it was blocked. Thearticle below may be able to help you with this. Click onthe link to see more details and screenshots.
If you block someone on Facebook ormessenger, you both will not be able to each othersactivities and also not be able to send messages. Oldconversation will be still in inbox but name of thatperson will not be clickable. See the Help Center tounderstand blocking: Start a conversation withyou.