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Asked by: Russel Oblanca
technology and computing emailWhere are draft messages saved on Android?
Likewise, where are text message drafts stored on Android?
The message will automatically be saved indrafts. You will see a message pop up at the bottom ofthe screen confirming the message was saved indrafts. 3. To find the message again, edit, and send it,select your 'Drafts' folder from the slide-out navigationpane.
In respect to this, where are my saved drafts on Facebook Mobile?
You will notice a message Your draft wassaved. Tap on this notification. If you don't findthe message there then open Settings of Android device, go toNotifications => Facebook => On the lock screen =>and choose Show all notification content.
Press the menu button, then tap "Go to labels." Scrolldown, then tap the "Drafts" label. Your Gmail draftsare displayed on this screen.