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Just so, where are iTunes playlists stored?
Playlists are stored, along with the locations ofall media in the library, ratings, links to artwork downloaded fromthe Store, etc. in the iTunes database - theiTunes Library.itl file that is, by default, storedin C:UsersusernameMusiciTunes.
One may also ask, can I export a Sonos playlist?
No, unfortunately you can not export Sonosplaylists at all. What I'd recommend is that you recreate theplaylist in Apple Music instead, and then import it into theSonos system, so that you have it in bothplaces.
Create a new Sonos Playlist The Sonos Playlist section will not only allowyou to add curated playlists, but also make your own.Click on My Sonos in the bottom left of the app > Clickon edit in top right > Click on Playlists > Click onNew Playlist at bottom > NamePlaylist.