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Asked by: Yuhua Krax
automotive road side assistanceWhere are the drain plugs on a 7.4 MerCruiser?
In this way, where is the engine block drain plug?
The drain will be located on the rear of the block, near the bottom but not level with the oil pan. Typically they are located closer to the flywheel housing then the outside of the engine pan and will look like large bolts set into the block which are not holding anything in place.
- Remove the lower radiator hose and catch the draining coolant in a bucket.
- Remove the top radiator hose and flush the system out with a normal hose.
- Continue until the water runs clear out of the bottom of the engine.
- Refill with coolant and reattach the radiator hoses.
In this way, where are the drain plugs on a 4.3 Mercruiser?
Locate the two blue drain plugs attached to it, one on the starboard and one on the port side. If you face the motor, one will be on the lower-right side of the block about midway back. The other will be on the left side of the block behind the front motor mount.
First, drain the fuel tank, fuel lines, and the oil. While it's draining, put a fan on the wiring and dry it out. Remove and clean the carburetor. Take the plugs out of the engine and turn the motor over to force any water in the cylinder out.