Asked by: Denka Marquardt
automotive green vehicles

Where can I see my reviews on Google?

See reviews & ratings
  • On your computer, open Google Maps.
  • In the top left, click Menu .
  • Click Your contributions. To see places you've already reviewed, choose Reviews. To see suggestions of places to review, choose Contribute.
  • To share a review, go to the bottom of the review and tap Share .

In respect to this, why can't I see my reviews on Google?

If the problem isn't the listing, then the issue might be in the reviews themselves. However, GMB users don't have as much control in terms of user-submitted feedback. The best option is to tell customers about best practices when writing any form of feedback.

One may also ask, how do I manage my Google reviews? From your computer:
  1. After your Business Profile is verified, go to and sign in.
  2. If you have multiple listings, look at the menu on the left and click Manage reviews. Then choose a location group.
  3. When you find a review you'd like to reply to, click Reply.
  4. Write your response, then click Post reply.

In this way, can Google reviews be traced?

As a normal user it should not be possible to find out from which IP address user made review. These IP addresses made connections to google and submitted reviews are confidential data of Google.

How do I get Google reviews?

To get reviews on Google, encourage your customers to spread the word about your business by following these best practices:

  1. Remind your customers to leave reviews.
  2. Reply to reviews to build your customers' trust.
  3. Verify your business so your information is eligible to appear on Maps, Search, and other Google services.

Related Question Answers

Pep Porcar


Can Google reviews be deleted?

Unfortunately, there isn't a button that reads “delete Google review.” However, if you are the owner of the business that has received a bad review, there are different ways you can go about getting the review removed.

Rubiel Steckler


Why was my review removed from Google?

Following are a few factors that are likely to cause reviews to be removed: * URLs (website addresses) in the body or name. * The person who wrote the review is a manager of your page or works for you. * The person wrote the review from the same device & IP address that you sign into to manage your local listing.

Roselin Pulgar


How does Google detect fake reviews?

Another great tactic when trying to spot fake Google reviews is to look at the profile of the reviewer in question. It's possible to look at every reviewer's profile by clicking on their avatar. From here, you'll get a list of all the places they've reviewed, shown on a map. This is extremely useful.

Felton Abramtsev


Are Google Reviews reliable?

Being a visible, public gauge, Google reviews are only reliable on one thing: the general assessment of the company by the stars indicated. Even then, it can be manipulated. Here's how: If a location has had way too many bad reviews, they can delete it and start over.

Dalida Rinaldo


How long does a Google review take to post?

Google has been known to delay showing a review for up to three days. An indication that a review is being delayed is text on your Google Plus page that indicates that you have 8 reviews but you only see 7 of them. Often the 8th review will show up in a few days.

Eliane Rameker


Why can I only see my Google review when logged in?

There could be several reasons why your review is not showing. If you can see it but no-one else can, it usually means that there are symbols, such as $ % * ( ) or @ in the text, or you have included an email address or URL. Please check your review and remove any of these items and try posting again.

Katiuska Batle


What happens when a Google review is flagged?

Flag inappropriate Reviews
If you find content that you believe violates our content policies, you can flag it for removal. The review will be assessed and possibly removed from your listing.

Richie Jauffret


How do I find out who a Google reviewer is?

Another great tactic when trying to spot fake Google reviews is to look at the profile of the reviewer in question. It's possible to look at every reviewer's profile by clicking on their avatar. From here, you'll get a list of all the places they've reviewed, shown on a map.

Rosamaria Wynants


Can you get fake Google reviews removed?

There will unfortunately be occasions where the review you suspect to be fake cannot be taken down. Google will only remove reviews that it sees to be in direct violation of their policies. It may be that there is insufficient evidence to determine whether the review is legitimate or not.

Cornelis Maicas


How do I remove a bad review from Google?

How to Remove a Review You Left on Google
  1. In the left-hand corner and you will see the icon for the menu, with three lines.
  2. Head to “Your Contributions” and then pick “Reviews.”
  3. Find the review that you want to delete in the list under Reviews.
  4. Click on the “More” icon (the three dots, one above the other).

Peregrino Nokes


Is it illegal to delete bad reviews?

The short answer is no, but there's more!
Unfortunately, there is no current method to remove negative reviews from Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, or the other major review platforms. This does not mean, however, that there's nothing you can do about them.

Adonis Samios


Are fake reviews illegal?

No one can punish you for good review even if it is fake. It's not really illegal since there are so many people doing it.. Fake Review Not Problem But Need Different Different IP For Work. Slander is illegal so if you're leaving negative feedback and lying in the process then yes it's immoral and illegal.

Lisette Vilan


Can I turn off Google reviews for my business?

In fact, you can't turn off Google reviews. Google my Business reviews are in place to allow anyone with a Gmail account to leave a review for your business. So if you're worried about your reputation, the answer is simply to actively collect more Google reviews from your customers.

Miro Sentamans


Can I leave a Google review anonymously?

Click on the primary account and select anonymous account. It is located at the bottom of your profile. Click on the other drop down arrow in the upper corner of the left hand side. This will help you to get the business you would like to review on Google+.

Reyes Jojo


How do I remove a bad review from Google my business?

Removing Negative Google My Business Reviews
  1. Locate and click on your Google My Business profile.
  2. Click the link by the star rating that shows the total number of reviews:
  3. Identify the negative, false, or defamatory review you want to remove.
  4. Click 'Flag as inappropriate' (screenshot below).

Alaaeddine Szydli


How do I contact a Google reviewer?

To contact Google's support for businesses, follow these steps:
  1. Go to
  2. On the top right of your browser, select “contact us”
  3. Select “customer reviews and photos,” and then “manage customer reviews”
  4. Choose to receive help via phone, web chat, or email.

Rosen Dorador


How do you politely ask for a review?

When Asking For A Review, Here's What You Need To Know
  1. Always get permission before sending a review request.
  2. Ask at the peak of your customer's happiness with your service.
  3. Let your customer know that you're asking for a “favor”
  4. Let your customer know how long this will take.

Guoping Saorin


Can I buy Google reviews?

How to Buy Google Reviews. For something that's illegal, purchasing these fake reviews is surprisingly easy to do. You simply type in “buy Google reviews” in Google and you'll come across ad after ad for black-hat online reputation companies offering to help you “boost your rating” and “bury those negative reviews”.

Parvinder Lizarrondo


Can you ask for Google reviews?

Yes, you can ask customers to submit reviews, but Google review guidelines forbid “soliciting reviews from customers in bulk.” Can I stop customers from writing bad reviews? No. Google review policies expressly forbid “selectively solicit(ing) positive reviews from customers.”