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Correspondingly, do flower bulbs spread?
Once the plants finish blooming in springtime, theynaturally begin to grow seeds in flowers that werefertilized. If the spent flowers are removed, however, theplants direct their energy toward their bulbs, which isnecessary if you want the bulbs to multiply.
Accordingly, where do flower seeds come from?
Most plants grow from seeds. These seedplants fall into two groups, angiosperms and gymnosperms.Angiosperms are the flowering plants. Their seedsdevelop inside a female reproductive part of the flower,called the ovary, which usually ripens into a protectiveFRUIT.
Reproducing a favorite specimen from seed is notpossible with all species and may require some special treatment toforce the seed to germinate. First, you should figureout where to get flowering bulb seeds. Some are available inseed catalogs but the bulk will be found in trading forumsand collector's sites.