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Considering this, are leopard moths dangerous?
Hairless caterpillars are harmless, and most of thefuzzycaterpillars are harmless as well, just like the giantleopardmoth caterpillar. Looks can be quitedeceiving,however.
Additionally, what does the giant leopard moth eat?
Giant leopard moth caterpillars enjoymunchingleafy plants like dandelions, violets, honeysuckle, citrusplants,magnolias, lilacs, and broadleaf plantains. If you don'tfind theplants in nature, you can buy a small pottedplant.
Habitat. There are about 260 species oftigermoths in North America, a small fraction of the 11,000speciesknown worldwide. Tiger moths inhabit both temperateandtropical zones but are more diverse in the tropics.