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In respect to this, where are Muskies found?
Muskellunge are found in oligotrophic andmesotrophic lakes and large rivers from northern Michigan, northernWisconsin, and northern Minnesota through the Great Lakes region,north into Canada, throughout most of the St Lawrence Riverdrainage, and northward throughout the upper Mississippi valley,although the
Also know, how old do muskies live?
inches and 15 to 20 years may be typical if they aren'tstressed. weight. True muskies over 50 lbs. are very rare.between 40-60- inches and live 8-10 years under goodconditions.
Northern Pike and Muskellunge are closerelatives. They're both from the genus “Esox” alongwith other Pikes and Pickerels. However, they're not thesame or varieties of the same fish. They're twodifferent species with different behaviors, markings, anddistributions.