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The Pokémon Nursery in Ultra SunandUltra Moon can be found in Paniola Town on AkalaIsland.Trainers can leave two Pokémon with theDayCarebreeders and if you leave a female and malePokémon,you may get an egg. To get an egg, the female andmalePokémon need to be of the same species orEggGroup.
Besides, can you breed legendary Pokemon ultra moon?
Breeding Pokemon. You can breed PokemoninPokemon Sun and Moon at the Paniola Ranch withinonAkala Island. Note: Legendary Pokemon cannotbreedbecause they usually have unknown genders, andevenPokemon like Heatran who have a gender stillcannotbreed.
Consequently, how do you breed a Rowlet?
To get an egg you breed a male orfemaleRowlet with Ditto. You can also get an egg as long asbothparents are in the same egg group. For example Rowlet isinthe Flying egg group.
It is impossible for Cosmog or its evolutionstobreed with another Pokemon, includingDitto.Sorry!