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Similarly, where does the book tangerine take place?
This story takes place in Florida and littlebitin Houston, Texas. The places in Florida where ittakesplace are: Lake Windsor Downs, Lake Windsor MiddleSchool,Tangerine, Tangerine Middle School, and TomasCruzGroves. The year in which this story takes placeissomewhere in the 1990s.
Similarly one may ask, why do Paul and his family moved in tangerine?
The family's move to Florida, though intendedtobolster Erik's football, turned out to be a chanceforPaul to begin anew and mend his relationshipwithhis parents. He also got the opportunity toplaysoccer and nurture his skills, a chance that hewasdenied in the previous town due tohisvision.
The new nicknamethatPaul had at Tangerine Middle School was FisherMan.6.A small fight breaks out at soccer practice between VictorandTino.