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People also ask, where has primary succession occur?
Primary succession begins on rock formations,suchas volcanoes or mountains, or in a place with no organisms orsoil.Primary succession leads to conditions nearer optimumforvascular plant growth; pedogenesis or the formation of soil,and theincreased amount of shade are the mostimportantprocesses.
Also asked, which is an example of primary succession?
Examples of where primary successionmaytake place include the formation of new islands, on newvolcanicrock, and on land formed from glacial retreats. Inprimarysuccession, the initial conditions are often timesvery harsh,with little or no soil present.
Explanation; Primary succession is a typeofsuccession that occurs in lifeless areas; regions wherethesoil is incapable of sustaining life as a result of factors suchaslava flows and sand dunes among others. Secondarysuccessionoccurs as a result of a major disturbance such asforest fire or aflood.