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Accordingly, where is the PrintScreen key on a laptop?
The print screen button may be labeledas“PrtScn,” “PrntScrn,”“PrintScr,” or something similar. On most keyboards,thebutton is usually found between F12 and Scroll Lock.Onlaptop keyboards, you may have to pressthe“Function” or “Fn” key to accessthePrint Screen feature.
Accordingly, how do I take a screenshot on my laptop without Print Screen button?
Press the "Windows" key to display theStartscreen, type "on-screen keyboard" and then click"On-ScreenKeyboard" in the results list to launch the utility.Press the"PrtScn" button to capture the screen and store theimage inthe clipboard. Paste the image into an image editor bypressing"Ctrl-V" and then save it.
Print Screen ChromebookLaptop On a Chromebook laptop, you can takeascreenshot of the whole screen by pressing theControl(Ctrl) and Window Switch keys at the same time. For aselectedcapture, press Ctrl, Shift and Window Switch, thendrag thecursor to select the screen areayouwant.