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Considering this, how is sodium polyacrylate made?
Superabsorbent chemistry Superabsorbent polymers are now commonlymadefrom the polymerization of acrylic acid blended withsodiumhydroxide in the presence of an initiator to form apoly-acrylicacid sodium salt (Sodium Polyacrylate).This polymeris the most common type of SAP made in theworldtoday.
Considering this, what contains sodium polyacrylate?
Sodium polyacrylate is commonly used insanitaryproducts such as baby diapers and pet pads. It isemployedas a thickening agent in consumer products such ashairgels, upholstery, carpets, and paints. Whilesodiumpolyacrylate has several advantages, there are also afewlimitations associated with the polymer.
Safety Notes: Sodium polyacrylate istoxicif swallowed and exposure to the eyes should beavoided. Studentsshould not complete preparation of the activity.Sodiumpolyacrylate crystals can be harmful to nasalmembranes, andshould not be inhaled.