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Asked by: Charleen Hollermeier
hobbies and interests birdwatchingWhere is the daycare in Pokemon Red?
One is available at the start of the game and isaccessedby cutting down the tree on the south side of CeruleanCity. Headingfurther south onto route 5 you'll find a buildingwithin a fence anda ledge. That's the first daycare. Theyonly take onepokemon though.
Herein, how do Pokemon level up in daycare?
The daycare is based on the number of stepsyoutake in game, as in for each step for which you move a panel,yourpokemon gains 1 EXP. In other words, get on your bikeandstart walking around in circles/up and down or whateveryoufind works well for you. The more you walk, the more XPyougain.
Similarly, where is Route 5 in Pokemon Red?
?? Route 5)isa route in central Kanto, connecting Cerulean CityandSaffron City. The northern end of the Underground Path islocatedon this route.
The Daycare itself is found on Route 5, justsouthof Cerulean City.