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Asked by: Xenxo Galenkovsky
automotive green vehiclesWhere is the temperature sensor on a 2007 Chevy Malibu?
When looking from the front of the car with the hood opened, the coolant temperature sensor is on the back of the front head which would be on the drivers side of the car.
Likewise, people ask, where is the temperature sensor coolant?
Start by having a look at the unit itself to check its condition, as sensors/gaskets/connectors can develop cracks with extended use and continual temperature cycling. The CTS is usually found at the front of the car, near the thermostat housing, or on the radiator.
Similarly, you may ask, how do I know if my temperature sensor is bad?
Symptoms of a bad or failing coolant temperature switch (sensor)
- Poor fuel economy. One of the first symptoms associated with a problem with the coolant temperature sensor is poor fuel economy.
- Black smoke from engine. Another symptom of a possible problem with the coolant temperature sensor is black smoke from the vehicle's exhaust.
- Overheating engine.
- Check Engine Light comes on.
The cooling fan relay is normally located in either the underhood fuse and relay center or mounted to the electric fan assembly behind the radiator.