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Hereof, do homeowners pay on this old house?
The renovations are completely funded bythehomeowners and not by This Old House, though theshowarranges for product discounts and donations where possible.Alldonated items are considered gifts and the homeownerspaytaxes on them.
Similarly, what happened to Steve Thomas from this old house?
He disappeared without explanation. The formerbankexecutive landed his "House" gig through sheerserendipity,after he and his wife, Kathleen, e-mailed "Ask ThisOldHouse" for tips on renovating their first home, a QueenAnneVictorian.
On November 9, 2007, tiling contractorJoeFerrante suffered a massive heart attack at the This OldHouseTV show project in Newton, Mass., and died in theambulanceon the way to the hospital. He was 56.