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Similarly, you may ask, where is vevo located?
Vevo is an online platform that curatesandprovides music and live performance video contents onYoutube.Vevo was founded in 2009. Vevo's headquartersislocated in New York, New York, USA 10019.
Just so, is Vevo free?
While Vevo is free to download, itisad-supported, so you will see the occasional commercial playbeforeyour video. Because Vevo is focused on officialmusicvideos, live concerts, and similar content, the app isarguably aneven better destination than YouTube for this typeofcontent.
The main difference between YouTubeandVevo is the simple fact that YouTube is limitlessinterms of the type of video content uploaded to the platform,whileVevo is solely for music content. By ensuring yourchanneland videos are optimized correctly, you can increase thevisibilityof your videos.