Asked by: Myesha Volknandt
news and politics war and conflicts

Which conflict is most closely associated with events in Nanjing Dunkirk and Hiroshima?

The conflict most closely associated with events in Nanjing, Dunkirk, and Hiroshima is 3. World War II. During that war, the Japanese invaded and killed many Chinese in the Chinese city of Nanjing as they sought to increase their control of East Asia.

Considering this, which headline is most closely associated with the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The correct answer is "2". The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the last episode of the campaign of the Pacific and signaled the end of the Second World War.

Subsequently, question is, which of the following losses changed the Japanese plan to continue advancing and taking islands in the Pacific? Japan's loss of aircraft carriers in the Battle of Midway changed the Japanese plan to continue advancing and taking islands in the Pacific. In the Battle of Midway, the Japanese lost four aircraft carriers, a heavy cruiser and some 240 aircraft, which greatly weakened the Imperial Japanese Navy.

In this regard, which geographic factor was most significant in helping the Soviet Union withstand German attacks in World War II?

(1) The Ural Mountains served as a barrier to advancing German armies. (2) Distance and harsh winters disrupted German supply lines. (3) Extensive food-producing areas kept the Soviet armies well fed.

Which event is most closely associated with the start of ww2 in Europe?

Invasion of Poland, Fall 1939. German troops invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, triggering World War II. In response to German aggression, Great Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany.

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