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Asked by: Tracy Vozgilevich
home and garden landscapingWhich country is the number one producer of roses for Valentine's Day?
Also to know is, which state produces the most roses for Valentine's Day?
Answer: The State of Californiaproduces60% of American roses, but most rosessold onValentine's Day in the U.S. are imported fromSouthAmerica.
Also to know, where do most of the roses come from?
Almost all of the long stem roses sold in theUScome from South America, and most of thoserosescome from Ecuador. There are two reasons for this.First,roses grow perfectly straight only near the equatorwherethe sun shines perpendicular to the plan.
Supply and demand are key to price setting, andthedemand for roses is very high. Roses are one ofthemost popular flowers in the world, probably because of theirsweetsmell and variety of colors and sizes. High demand keepspriceshigher than that of many other flowers.