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People also ask, which comes first LKG or UKG?
LKG stands for Lower Kindergarten.Kindergartenspecifies a babysitter or nursery school for the 3-4years oldchildren. These three years are Nursery, LKG(LowerKindergarten), and UKG (UpperKindergarten).
Also to know is, which comes first LKG or nursery?
Lower kindergarten (LKG) or Junior KG isanatural progression from nursery. However, noeducationis required to enter LKG. Children areusually3–4 years old at admission. The learnings are used topreparechildren for first grade.
UKG stands for UKG is for 4–5yearsold children. Kindergarten (German, literally means“gardenfor children” ), is the word created byFriedrich Fröbelfor the Play and Activity institute that hecreated in 1837 in BadBlankenburg as a social experience forchildren for theirtransition from home to school.