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Asked by: Cezar Habernickel
religion and spirituality hinduismWhich is the oldest language in the world Kannada or Telugu?
Accordingly, which is the oldest language Kannada or Telugu?
Telugu is the oldest among the dravdianlanguages.Kannada split after Telugu fromProto-dravidian language.
In this manner, which language came first Kannada or Tamil?
Kannada is a south Indian language spokenin Karnataka state of India.Kannada is originatedfrom the Dravidian Language. Telugu, Tamil, Malayalamare the other South Indian Languages originated fromDravidian Language. Kannada and Telugu have almostthe same script.
Hindi came from the Indo-European linguisticfamily while Tamil is a descendant of the Dravidianlanguages. It is also spoken in other foreign countries.Tamil is much older compared to Hindi. It isthe oldest of the Dravidian languages and one of the longest andlong-lasting languages in the world.