Asked by: Hana Yalamanchilli
science environment

Which ocean zone contains the greatest biodiversity and the most ocean life?

The Epipelagic zone extends from the surface to200m down. It receives plenty of sunlight and thereforecontains the most biodiversity in the ocean.Next comes the mesopelagic zone which extends from 200m to1,000m. It is also called the twilight zone because of thelimited light that can filter through these waters.

Hereof, what ocean zone has the most biodiversity?

The ocean contains a wealth ofbiodiversity, and most of this diversity livesin the sunlit area called the euphotic zone (seeDistribution of Life, page 45, for moreinformation).

Subsequently, question is, what area has the highest biodiversity? Amazonia represents the quintessence ofbiodiversity – the richest ecosystem on earth. Yet astudy by Smithsonian scientists, published this week in the journalScience, shows that differences in species composition of tropicalforests are greater over distance in Panama than inAmazonia.

Similarly, you may ask, where in the ocean is most of the life concentrated?

Most marine life is found in coastalhabitats, even though the shelf area occupies only seven percent ofthe total ocean area. Open ocean habitats are foundin the deep ocean beyond the edge of the continentalshelf.

Which zone of the ocean is the warmest?

The epipelagic zone tends to be thewarmest layer of the ocean.

Related Question Answers

Evgeniy Vita


Why is biodiversity important in the ocean?

Why is Marine biodiversity important. The seasprovide a unique set of goods and services to society, includingmoderation of climate, processing of waste and toxicants, provisionof vital food, medicines and employment for significant numbers ofpeople.

Gocha Jabsky


Which biome has the least amount of biodiversity?

Which Biome Has the Least Biodiversity?
  • Arctic Biome. Because little to nothing grows in ground that isfrozen year-round except for some forms of microscopic life, thearctic biome has the least amount of diversity among all the majorecosystems of the Earth.
  • The Vast Tundra.
  • Factors That Affect Ecosystems.

Assmaa Barañano


Where is biodiversity located?

A large proportion of the world's terrestrialbiodiversity at the species level is concentrated in a smallpart of the world, mostly in the tropics.

Detelina Schurmanns


Which forest has maximum biodiversity?

The forest that possesses the maximumbiodiversity is the Tropical Forests.

Julieann Laera


What is biodiversity in the ocean?

In its simplest form, biodiversity or biologicaldiversity is therefore 'Life on Earth' and includesmarine biodiversity 'Life in the Seas and Oceans.`Genetic diversity refers to the genetic variation thatoccurs among members of the same species.

Norbert Tarodo


Which biodiversity hotspot has lost the most habitat?

Hotspot Remaining habitat
7 California Floristic Province (North America) 10%
8 Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa (Africa) 10%
9 Madagascar & Indian Ocean Islands (Africa) 10%
10 Eastern Afromontane (Africa) 11%

Horia Ponidelko


Why is biodiversity important?

Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity whereeach species, no matter how small, all have an importantrole to play. For example, A larger number of plant species means agreater variety of crops. Greater species diversity ensures naturalsustainability for all life forms.

Waldo Sianes


What ocean has the most life?

Which Ocean Has the Most Marine Life?
  • Question: Which world oceans have the most/least marinelife?
  • Long Answer: It's easier to determine where the most life is byseparating the oceans into different zones.
  • Longest Answer: Check out the following facts about ouroceans!
  • Pacific Ocean.
  • Atlantic Ocean.
  • Indian Ocean.
  • Southern Ocean.
  • Arctic Ocean.

Lezlie Muralha


Which ocean is the best?

Pacific Ocean – 4.6 stars. The Pacific isthe largest, and arguably the most famous, of the world'soceans.

Yumei Marze


Where can you find the ocean habitat?

Most ocean life can be found in coastalhabitats on the continental shelf, even if this areaoccupies only 7% of the total ocean area. Most of the openocean habitats are found in the deep ocean beyond theedge of the continental shelf. Ocean and coastalhabitats can be created by species living inthem.

Lavonda Sassmannshausen


How many plants live in the ocean?

There are 228,450 known species in theocean — and as many as 2 million more thatremain a total mystery.

Khouloud Agamirzyan


Tifani Rietschel


What is an example of biodiversity?

Most people recognize biodiversity byspecies—a group of individual living organisms that caninterbreed. Examples of species include blue whales,white-tailed deer, white pine trees, sunflowers, and microscopicbacteria that can't even be seen by the naked eye.

Arsen Zapico


What causes high biodiversity?

Pollution, climate change, and population growth are allthreats to biodiversity. These threats have caused anunprecedented rise in the rate of species extinction.

Remo Orfert


What makes a biodiversity hotspot?

A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic regionthat is both a significant reservoir of biodiversity and isthreatened with destruction. The term biodiversity hotspotspecifically refers to 25 biologically rich areas around the worldthat have lost at least 70 percent of their originalhabitat.

Nikolov Brandelstein


Which is the biggest biodiversity hotspot of the world?

Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot The richestand most diverse region on Earth, the Tropical Andes regioncontains about a sixth of all plant life in less than 1 percent ofthe world's land area.

Candida Maksheev


How can biodiversity be measured?

Biodiversity is defined and measured as anattribute that has two components — richness and evenness.Richness = The number of groups of genetically or functionallyrelated individuals. In most vegetation surveys, richness isexpressed as the number of species and is usually called speciesrichness.

Gulnaz Idier


How can we increase biodiversity?

Here are 5 Ways to Increase Biodiversity in UrbanLandscapes
  1. Provide Wildlife Corridors and Connections Between GreenSpaces.
  2. Use Organic Maintenance Methods and Cut Back On Lawns.
  3. Use a Native Plant Palette and Plant Appropriately.
  4. Utilize Existing Green Space Connections.
  5. Be Mindful of Non-Native Predators.