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Asked by: Hana Yalamanchilli
science environmentWhich ocean zone contains the greatest biodiversity and the most ocean life?
The Epipelagic zone extends from the surface to200m down. It receives plenty of sunlight and thereforecontains the most biodiversity in the ocean.Next comes the mesopelagic zone which extends from 200m to1,000m. It is also called the twilight zone because of thelimited light that can filter through these waters.
Hereof, what ocean zone has the most biodiversity?
The ocean contains a wealth ofbiodiversity, and most of this diversity livesin the sunlit area called the euphotic zone (seeDistribution of Life, page 45, for moreinformation).
Similarly, you may ask, where in the ocean is most of the life concentrated?
Most marine life is found in coastalhabitats, even though the shelf area occupies only seven percent ofthe total ocean area. Open ocean habitats are foundin the deep ocean beyond the edge of the continentalshelf.
The epipelagic zone tends to be thewarmest layer of the ocean.