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Just so, is it OK to oil hair after straightening?
The fact is that you should only avoid oil forthefirst week post treatment while the chemical takes fulleffect.After that, oil proves to be one of the bestnaturalmoisturisers for your hair. A hot oil massagecanstimulate your follicles, rid you off a dry scalp, and saveyoufrom bad hair days.
Similarly, you may ask, can we apply oil before hair straightening?
Yes, you can put oil in your hairbeforeblow drying but this doesn't apply for everyoil.There have even been cases of the hair comingright off withthe flat-iron. The only way to recover fromthis type ofdamage is by trimming your hair irrespective ofwhatevermagical solutions you locate online.
The harsh straightening products are known todryout the hair and make it brittle. So, gettingdeepconditioning treatments every once in a while is important.Simplyapply some warm olive or coconut oil on your scalp andwrapyour hair with plastic wrap for a while before youwashit.