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Asked by: Caifen Mantovani
hobbies and interests beadworkWhich screen protector is better glass or plastic?
Toughness: Tempered glass is almost alwayssturdier than plastic at the same price. Plasticprotectors—especially the cheap models—also getscratched easily, unlike glass ones. Glass protectorsare generally around 0.3-0.5 mm in thickness; plastic isaround 0.1mm.
In this way, which type of screen protector is best?
Most Common Screen Protector Types
- Tempered glass – Offers decent protection against impactas well as scratches.
- PET plastic – Generally covers basic scratchprotection.
- TPU plastic – Scratch protection only.
- Multi-layered screen protector – Very durable and canwithstand significant amounts of shock.
Also know, which is better tempered glass or Gorilla Glass?
Corning's Gorilla Glass is definitely strongerthan any Tempered Glass Screen Protector. It must be notedthat Tempered Glass Screen Protector is just a strongprotective sheet made up of glass like material that is usedto protect your smartphone screen from scratches anddrops.
Boasts Four to Six Times the Strength to NormalGlass Tempered glass generally has four to six timesmore strength than a normalglass.