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In this way, what is the proper height for a chair rail?
Correct Height for Chair RailMolding Most experts place chair rails at one-third thedistance of the ceiling height. For a standard 8-footceiling, they should be installed about 32 inches from the floor.Hull cautions that most people install chair rails too highon their walls.
Beside above, are chair rails out of style?
Find out what chair rail is, and whetherit's right for your home's style. Historically, chairrails were used to protect plaster when chairs werebacked up against the walls to clear space in the middle of a room.Chair rails are still used today to create a more formal andtraditional design.
Looks Are Deceiving: Fake a Larger Room. Youdeserve better than having a tiny room feel like it'ssuffocating you. If you're struggling with a small room, youdon't need to knock down any walls to make it lookbigger. Watch out for white ceilings in a room withdarker walls, it will make the ceiling feel muchlower.