Asked by: Zhijie Godejahn
healthy living womens health

Which term describes excessive urination?

Definition. Dysuria is any discomfort associated with urination. Abnormally frequent urination (e.g., once every hour or two) is termed urinary frequency. Urgency is an abrupt, strong, often overwhelming, need to urinate.

Similarly, you may ask, which term means excessive urination?

Excessive urination volume (or polyuria) occurs when you urinate more than normal. Urine volume is considered excessive if it equals more than 2.5 liters per day. In this case, it is called nocturnal polyuria (or nocturia).

Also, what is the term that describes the presence of kidney stones? Urine drains from the kidney through a narrow tube called the ureter into the bladder. Urolithiasis is the term that refers to the presence of stones in the urinary tract, while nephrolithiasis (nephro = kidney + lithiasis = stone) refers to kidney stones and ureterolithiasis refers to stones lodged in the ureter.

Similarly, which term describes excessive urination during the night?

Frequent and excessive urination during the night. Urinary incontinence during sleep; also known as bed-wetting.

What is the term used to describe the inability to control urine excretion?

Urinary Incontinence. Incontinence – sometimes called "urinary incontinence" – is the inability to hold urine in the bladder. The bladder, located in the pelvis, is a balloon-shaped organ that stores urine made by the kidneys.

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Spontaneous ruptures present with pelvic pain, renal failure, urinary ascites, and sepsis. Overall, the incidence of intraperitoneal bladder rupture is much higher in children because of the intra-abdominal location of the bladder at a young age. More important, bladder rupture is often associated with colon injuries.

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Bladder stones, also called vesical calculus, or cystoliths, are caused by a buildup of minerals. They can occur if the bladder is not completely emptied after urination. Eventually, the leftover urine becomes concentrated and minerals within the liquid turn into crystals.

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Do pelvic floor muscle exercises
You can make your pelvic floor muscles stronger by doing Kegel exercises. These exercises involve tightening and relaxing the muscles that control urine flow.

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Definition. Dysuria is any discomfort associated with urination. Abnormally frequent urination (e.g., once every hour or two) is termed urinary frequency. Urgency is an abrupt, strong, often overwhelming, need to urinate.

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What is the amount of urine produced by the kidneys in a 24 hour period?

The normal range for 24-hour urine volume is 800 to 2,000 milliliters per day (with a normal fluid intake of about 2 liters per day).

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Do the kidneys lie outside the peritoneal cavity?

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At the entrance to the bladder, the ureters have sphincters that prevent the backflow of urine. Urine collects in the renal pelvis, which is continuous with the ureter. The ureter then carries the urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.

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Kidney stones may be smooth or jagged and are usually yellow or brown. A small kidney stone may pass through your urinary tract on its own, causing little or no pain. A larger kidney stone may get stuck along the way.

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Causes. The leading cause of kidney stones is a lack of water in the body. Stones are more commonly found in individuals who drink less than the recommended eight to ten glasses of water a day. When there is not enough water to dilute the uric acid, a component of urine, the urine becomes more acidic.