Asked by: Virtuosa Kleixner
business and finance green solutions

Which type of environmental scientist is most likely to study how whales are affected by pollution?

So, oceanographer is the person who is responsible for the study of the effect of pollution on the whales.

In respect to this, which type of environmental scientist is most likely to study the effects of air pollution on asthma?

Environmental physician is most likely to study the effects of air pollution on asthma. Environmental Physician focuses on the causes of disease in an environmental context.

Similarly, which type of environmental scientist is most likely to study how whales are affected by pollution a hydrologist B toxicologist C biologist D oceanographer? an oceanographer will be responsible for the study of the effect of pollution on the whales. Hence, the correct answer is 'Option D - Oceanographer'.

Similarly one may ask, which type of environmental scientist is likely to study the effects of pesticides on pigs?

Explanation; -An environmental veterinarian would study the effects of pesticides on pigs. Veterinarians study animals, and environmental vets study the effects a particular environment has on them. -Veterinarians work hard to address the health and welfare needs of every species of animal.

Which type of environmental scientist is likely to study the interactions of gorillas?


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