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Asked by: Smahane Ganssmantel
home and garden home appliancesWhich way should I tilt my lawn mower?
Similarly, it is asked, what happens if you tip the lawn mower the wrong way?
If you tip the lawn mower the wrong way, the fuel in the carburetor can easily leak into the air cleaner which will cause problems to the combustion system. When fuel leaks into the engine, it leads to too much fuel which the lawn mower engine cannot burn.
In respect to this, can you tip a lawn mower on its side?
Tipping equipment on its side. Placing your equipment at an angle or tipping it on its side can coat the spark plug with oil, which ruins the plug and prevents it from sparking. Tipping a mower can also allow oil to leak and clog the air filter, or mix in with the fuel.
Too much oil in the crankcase can damage the motor of the lawn mower. Too much oil can also cause the lawn mower to leak which can damage other parts of the lawn mower other than its motor. This is a classic case of when too much or too little can affect how an engine works.