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Herein, what kind of worms are used for fishing?
Like mealworms, wax worms are actually insects;they are the larval form of small moths. Waxworms have a high fatcontent, which makes them especially appealing bait for many fish.Waxworms are rather short, but they have plump little bodies, andthey are typically used to catch panfish.
Additionally, are red wiggler worms good for fishing?
Many fishermen prefer red wiggler worms as baitover nightcrawler worms because the red wigglers tendto live longer underwater and are more active (they wiggle!) whichdraws the attention of the fish. Use the below recipe to fatten upyour worms to make them easier to get on the hook and morevisible to hungry fish.
Just about any freshwater fish willeat a worm, but catfish, bullheads, striped bass, walleye, trout,crappie, rock bass, bluegills, yellow perch, and suckers seem toreally like worms.