Asked by: Hanh Baber
movies fantasy movies

Who are the enemies of the Elves The Hobbit?

The enemies of the elves arethedwarves.

Subsequently, one may also ask, who is the enemy in the Hobbit?

r?n/ is the title character andmainantagonist of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. In thesamework, he is identified as the Necromancer, mentioned inTolkien'searlier novel The Hobbit.

Likewise, who are all the dwarves in The Hobbit? So here we go. 13 dwarves in all (intheorder that they are introduced in the book and most likelythemovie as well): Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori,Oin,Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin.

Besides, who are the Wood Elves in The Hobbit?

Silvan (wood elves) are a type of ElvesinJ.R.R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth,mainlythe Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien. Theyarecommonly known as Wood-elves. In the First AgetheElves of Ossiriand, or Laiquendi, were also referred toaswood-elves.

Which dwarves die in The Hobbit?

Of these thirteen Dwarves, three die attheend of the novel in the Battle of the Five Armies:Thorín,Fili, and Kili. Ten survive. Of these ten,Glóin tells Frodo,seven remain at the side of Dáin,King Under the Mountain:Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur,and Glóinhimself.

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TL;DR: Thorin is half-elf, and FiliandKili are themselves both part elfandhalf-human.

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The One Ring was forged by Sauron himself.Amongthose of his servants that have names the greatest was thatspiritwhom the Eldar called Sauron, or Gorthaur the Cruel.In hisbeginning he was of the Maiar of Aulë, and he remainedmightyin the lore of that people.

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In the One Ring's absence, these ringswerewielded by the Elves for purposes of good. Thethreerings were Vilya, Nenya and Narya. The ringsVilyaand Narya went to Elven High King Gil-galad of Lindon,whoentrusted Vilya to Elrond and Narya to Círdan,Elvenlords of Rivendell and Mithlond,respectively.

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Sauron bred immense armies of Orcs and alliedwithor enslaved Men from the east and south. He adopted the symbolof alidless eye, and he was able at that time to send outhiswill over Middle-earth, so that the Eye of Sauronwasa symbol of power and fear.

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Female Hobbit Names
Note: Female hobbits were oftennamedafter flowers or jewels. Originally, -o and -e werefeminineendings (per ROTK - Appendix F). Adaldrida. Adamanta -AdamantaChubb was the mother of BelladonnaTook.

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The physical form of Gandalf isnotimmortal but his spirit is.

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Because Saruman had abandoned his purpose EruappointedGandalf to be the next white wizard. ThisallowedGandalf to shatter Sarumans' staff and take themantle ofwhite wizard instead of grey. Becoming thewhitewizard meant that Gandalf was the head of theIstari sent toMiddle Earth.

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Gandalf himself died on the mountaintop.His spirit, according to a letter Tolkien later wrote,departedfrom the world and returned to Iluvatar, who sentGandalfback with increased power and authority.Gandalf's restoredbody was recovered from the peak byGwaihir, who had been sent byGaladriel.

Maynard Eickmans


What is the difference between wood elves and high elves?

High Elves are the elves that liveinUlthuan, and the original race. Wood Elves areHighElves that settled in or retreated to a semi-livingforestfilled with stuff that doesn't like humans. They kind ofadapted toit in strange ways.

Kacem Munish


How old is Gandalf?

Gandalf walked in Middle-earth forapproximately2,019 years, un-aging and appearing as a grey beardedhuman ofabout 60 years old or so. He was around longbeforeMiddle-earth was created and before the Years of the Lamps.He,Saruman and Sauron are approximately the same age - giveortake.

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Is Legolas a high elf?

Legolas himself probably doesn't date backthatfar, but his ancestry is in the ancient Sindarin kingdom ofDoriath(his grandfather was Oropher, an Elf of Doriath, whomusthave been of reasonably high birth, being accepted askingof the Silvan Elves of the Greenwood in theSecondAge).

Volodymyr Hameau


How long do wood elves live?

A long lifespan is common among members oftherace, most living up to 200-300 years, with the exceptionofwizards and necromancers who may live anywhere up tothethousands.

Latosha Oudin


Who is the dwarf king in Lord of the Rings?

Thorin II Oakenshield, son of Thráin,sonof Thrór, King under the Mountain is afictionalcharacter in J. R. R. Tolkien's 1937 novel TheHobbit.Thorin is the leader of the Company of Dwarves whoaim toreclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug thedragon.

Lounes Berne


How big is Smaug?

In The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen WynnFonstad,Smaug is said to be about 18 meters (59 feet) inlength, butthis is to be considered non-canonical.

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Are oin and gloin brothers?

Fili and Kili are brothers, and are the sonsofThorin's sister, making them his nephews. Balin and Dwalinarebrothers, as are Oin and Gloin. Bombur and Bofurarebrothers, and Bifur is their cousin. These threeareactually the only dwarves not related to Thorin.

Bobbye Soarez


Are Balin and Dwalin brothers?

Balin. Balin was a Dwarven leader, thesonof Fundin and elder brother of Dwalin. He was oneofthe Dwarves that travelled with Bilbo Baggins and Gandalftoreclaim Erebor.

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Who kills Smaug?

Smaug battles Thorin's small group of dwarveswhenthey come to Bilbo's aid, before flying off to Lake-town. InTheHobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, SmaugattacksLake-town. He is killed by Bard with an elongatediron arrowand his body falls on the boat carrying the fleeingMaster ofLake-town.

Muzaffar Mangues


How old was Thorin when Smaug attacks?

Thorin: Born 2746, making him about 24whenSmaug attacked, and 195 when the quest began. In thebook heis the oldest of the dwarves in the company, but in themovie itseems that several dwarves are older than him. Balin: Born2763,making him 7 years old when Smaug attacked, and178when the quest began.