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Likewise, who can enforce fundamental rights in India?
(ii) Right of minorities to establish andadminister educational institutions: Under this law, minoritieshave the right to establish and administer their owneducational institutions. Article 32 of the IndianConstitution has provisions for legal enforcement of thefundamental rights.
Moreover, can District Court enforce fundamental rights?
It is suggested that the Parliament may enact a lawunder the said article 32(3) to empower the District Courtsin India to exercise the said powers to issue directions or ordersor writs for the enforcement of the fundamentalrights. District Judges are experienced judicialofficers.
If a legal right of a person is violated, hecan move to an ordinary court, but if a fundamental right isviolated the Constitution provides that the affectedperson may move to High court or Supreme Court. Herewe should note that the Rights to Property was afundamental right before 1978.