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Also asked, what is a qualifying person for head of household?
Head of household is a filing status for singleorunmarried taxpayers who have maintained a home for aqualifyingperson, such as a child or relative. This filingstatus providesa larger standard deduction and more generous taxrates forcalculating federal income tax than the Singlefilingstatus.
Accordingly, can I claim head of household if im single with no dependents?
For tax purposes, however, a single parentlivingwith one child can potentially qualify as headofhousehold. Under some very specific circumstances,asingle taxpayer who lives alone can do so aswell.Many rules apply, but if you can claim headofhousehold filing status, it offers severaltaxperks.
The Head of Household status is designedforsingle persons with dependents, but in some cases,marriedpersons can claim the Head of Householdfilingstatus. To qualify for the Head of Householdfiling statuswhile married, you must: File yourtaxes separatelyfrom your spouse. Claim an exemption foryourdependent.