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Asked by: Neftali Muxi
home and garden home appliancesWho invented the fire extinguisher T Marshall?
T.J. Marshall is credited with improving thedesign of the fire extinguisher, with a patent issued on March 26,1872. He invented a system in which water is pumped through pipesin buildings to individual sprinkler heads. The system can beactivated by manually turning a valve in the building.
Keeping this in consideration, who created the fire extinguisher?
George William Manby
Just so, who invented the fire extinguisher black man?
Thomas J Martin, a Black inventor, was awarded apatent for the Fire Extinguisher on March 26, 1872. Hisinvention is listed in the U. S. Patent Office inWashington, DC under patent number115,603. William B. Purvis, ofPhiladelphia, invented a machine for making Paper Bags in1882.
T J Marshall was born on Dec 1895 to MFrank Marshall andSusan Shook.